Become a Member
Become a member and start enjoying amazing benefits and rewards! When you become a members at Mullumbimby Ex-Services Club, you’ll unlock a world of benefits and rewards when you visit the Club PLUS Mullumbimby Ex-Services Bowling Club!
NYE Cash Climb
Bring in 2025 with us for your chance to win in our NYE Cash Climb major promotion!
Join us on Tuesday 31st December as we prepare to welcome the new year with a bang! We’re giving away $2,000 cash guaranteed!
Watch as the prizes grow as countdown to 2025, draws starting at 7:30pm, and the last draw (a top prize of $1,000!!) at 12:30am.
Open to all members. Enter with your first swipe at the members kiosk, then with every $5 spend throughout the night.
Terms & conditions apply.
Mullumbimby, NSW 2482
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